nvm is a node version manager software. It manages nvm and iojs versions and run on Mac & Linux.

Github repo: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm

Good reads: https://michael-kuehnel.de/node.js/2015/09/08/using-vm-to-switch-node-versions.html

- Installing the latest version of NodeJs:

$ nvm install node

- Installing a specific version of NodeJs:

$ nvm install 8.11

- Uninstalling a NodeJS version:

$ nvm uninstall 8.11

- Locate the path to an installed version:

$ nvm which 8.11
$ /Users/demo/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.4/bin/node

- Get the current NodeJs version in use:

$ nvm current

- Switch and use latest version of NodeJS:

$ nvm use node

- Switch and use a specific version of NodeJS:

$ nvm use 8.11

- List all locally installed versions:

$ nvm ls

- List available versions of NodeJS and iojs:

$ nvm ls-remote

- List only some specific version:

$ nvm ls-remote | grep v8

- List only LTS versions:

$ nvm ls-remote --lts

- Run a command using a specific node version:

$ nvm run 8.11 --version

- Show the path to the installed node version:

$ nvm which 0.12.2              

- Show the current installed nvm version:

$ nvm current                   

- Set the default node to the installed 0.10.32 version:

$ nvm alias default 0.10.32     

- Show nvm help:

$ nvm --help